Monday, March 15, 2010

Walk Down Article Lane

I just wanted to jot down a list of the article's I've written for L'Europeo, so I have it somewhere, and so I can keep myself thinking of the one that's due shortly. Here we go.
1. Children of Issue -- "He had impeccable taste" on Ronald Lauder, son of Estee Lauder
2. Jazz Issue -- "The Illiterate Nobleman of Jazz" on Django Reinhardt and "The Jazz Baroness" on Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter
3. Media Issue -- "When the Informer is Enemy of the State" on Mortechai Vanunu and the Israeli atom bomb
4. Spies issue -- "To Spy on Kofi" on Katharine Gun, Clare Short, and Tony Blair
5. Underground issue -- "The Boxcar Society" on Boxcar Betha and the Hobo lifestyle in the US
6.World War II issue -- "The Blind Eyes of the Third Reich" on Leni Riefenstahl and the 1934 propaganda film Triumph des Willens (that one never got published)
7. Telecoms issue -- "At the Beginning There was Ericsson" on Lars Marcus Ericsson and every fifth mobile phone out there

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bernard Levin Competition Entry

So Bernard Levin gradaute LSE and went off the become a pretty influential and pretty controversial journalist. He also had a serious Wagner crush. This is the beginning of an essay I wrote for the LSE Student Union award in his name. It's a bit over the top, I know.

7AM. Vivaldi’s Spring. Lights. And all that jazz. Toothbrush, coffee cup, run for the 243. Monday traffic, newspaper. Oh, look, it’s my Financial Regulation professor in the Letters to the Editor again, and the topic for next class is on the front page. Who needs a course pack anyway? Aldwych, The Royal Court of Justice. BUS STOPPING. Dash to class. Good morning, Buenos Días, Привет. I can never remember how many times they kiss hello in Chile. 22 classmates, 18 countries, 10 accents, 100 opinions. We are an argumentative bunch. Last Friday we came up with 12 reasons why new policy of the old chairman of the Federal Reserve might be wrong. In the break between two lectures we disagreed on Beckett as well. Professionals go to conferences abroad to discuss change with leading academics and other bright minds. I go to school.